The home environment increasingly mixed with the work environment has increased the need to make the place where we spend most…

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The reinterpretation of a classical piece of furniture, an ancient flavor that becomes a mood lighting for heating the ambience. Placed in a…

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Contend with a project that aims a technical component as Phosphor Remote LightCell turn into a functioning and attractive product, an accurate evaluation…

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A liquid form, a redesign of an ancient object, newly-imagined for the traveling man, lover of adventure, sport and outdoor life with which…

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BLIP is the first Spoon rest to make its appearance in Alessi’s catalogue. The name “BLIP” alludes onomatopoeically to the wave from a…

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VOILE is a Spaghetti Measure designed for approximately one, two or five servings. This precious utensil’s function, derived from Mediterranean culinary traditions, is…

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The triangle, the quintessential symbol of genesis, multiplied here becomes something new. The genesis of an unexpected organic form, a precious and mysterious…

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